1) The viaSport chart  Return to Sport Restart 2.0 chart  has been updated to reflect current information regarding new regional health orders.  Key items include:


  • The additional restrictions that were in place in Interior Health have been lifted. Activities can now be aligned with the PHO Order on Gatherings and Events.
  • Northern Health has released a chart explaining the differences between its regional health orders and the PHO Order.  NOTE: viaSport identified some errors on this chart and Northern Health representatives were prompt in providing verbal confirmation that they will be corrected as soon as possible. Sport-related guidance now aligns with the PHO Order on Gatherings and Events, except that:
    • Indoor and outdoor sporting events are limited to 50% spectator capacity
    • Events must have a COVID-19 safety plan
  • The regional health orders for Fraser East (effective September 28, 2021) remain in place.


2) During the province-wide state of emergency related to extreme weather and flooding, decisions to travel for sport should be made on a case-by-case basis. On severely damaged highways, remember that sport is not considered essential travel. Aside from those restrictions, individuals and sport organizations will need to assess their own risk factors when determining whether to travel or host events. The latest information is available on the Province’s Travel and fuel restrictions page, and TranBC’s Current Road Advisories page.


Prior to arrival please contact the manager of the team that you are playing.  Their information is on their team page.

WLMHA Safety plan and protocols

*Masks are MANDATORY at all times inside the complex for 5 and older.

(provincial guidelines) This includes coaches on the benches, spectators, volunteers, and players.

Helmet on- mask off

Helmet off- mask on

WLMAS has a zero tolerance policy for ANY abuse of our volunteers in respect to these protocols.

We are doing our best to interpret and follow all regulations put forward by the Province, BC Hockey, VIA sport and the city of Williams Lake to keep our kids playing hockey, please understand that may change quickly.